DOT works with some of the nations most iconic institutions and brands because they know our team executes and delivers a seamless product. Our team of award-winning professionals demonstrate a passion for all aspects of public relations from media relations, events management, content creation and social media strategy.
As a small business, we understand the importance of the work. We are client-focused, creatively driven, and deliver tangible results for every client, every time.
Successful media relations is based on the “pitch” but also relationships. DOT has an extensive network of media relationships developed over 20 years in general market , African American and Hispanic media. Our media strategy is not just press send to a list but we take a TAME approach- Targeted Approach to Media Engagement. We develop strategic press materials and pitch them to the appropriate media contacts and outlets.
We have all the necessary ingredients for the perfect events recipe. We handle everything from A to Z including venue selection, design services, staffing, collateral material, and more ensuring your event is at the top of everyone’s “to-do” list.
In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, content that resonates is a must. Our team of writers, copy editors, digital media, and other experts create messaging that delivers optimal results.
Social media platforms have become an integral part of public relations, careers are made and ended in this arena. We cover every aspect leaving nothing to chance. The right strategy will propel your brand to the top of your industry.